6 Micro Mesh & Solid Gutter Covers Uncovered [S1 E4]

In Episode 4 of the Ultimate Gutter Guard Challenge 2021, we take a closer look at all the gutter guards installed on the south side gutters. We’ll share how the gutter guards are positioned within and on top of the gutters, provide insight about each system, and speculate about how they might fair during the test.

Positioned, west to east, are the following gutter guard systems:

1. MasterShield Micro Mesh
2. LeafFilter Micro Mesh
3. GutterGlove Pro Micro Mesh
4. LeafLock Micro Mesh
5. Diamond Micro Mesh
6. LeaFree Solid Gutter Cover

Read the full story here: https://www.gutterguardsdirect.com/gutter-guard-challenge/south-facing-gutters/
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